2022-2023 AWANA Volunteer Registration (Activity Participant):

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Personal Information

Volunteer Service Areas

Please select all that apply.

For t-shirts this year we will be using the same ones that we had for VBS. Please only note your size if you need a shirt ordered as you didn't have one for VBS. Tshirts are $10. 
Please select one option.
Nursery or Puggles

Volunteers have the option of nursery care for children 0-1 as well as the puggles program for 2-3 year olds. Children who will be 3 as of September 1 and potty trained may sign up for Cubbies. 

Please list names and ages of children you would like enrolled in nursery or Puggles. 



Please fill out this form and click submit.